My name is Mikyö. I’m a community strategist and brand storyteller working in web3.
I believe that crypto is building new civilizational primitives that can replace existing systems, but as an industry we have only scratched the surface of collective intelligence and global coordination.
My work aims to unlock these potentials by taking a unique approach to building the next generation of on-chain brands and communities.
I’m open for virtual coffee chats and face-to-face connections in LA and NYC.
Below you’ll find examples of the kinds of work I do.
My practice draws on a variety of disciplines.
Why are we here?
What do we do and how do we do it?
What makes us different?
Who are we here for?
What do we value the most?
What's our personality?
What is the nature of the problem we solve?
Who solves this problem now and what sucks about how it’s solved today?
What’s our unique POV that can reframe the problem we solve?
What languaging can we coin to cement our category in people’s minds?
Who can benefit most from our product or service?
What are their greatest challenges?
Where do the hang out?
What do they value? -
Who are our people?
Why are they attracted to us?
What do they need?
How can we help them?
Where do they want to connect?
How can we help them connect?
Who is this story for?
What do we want them to feel?
What do we want them to do?
Where and when will they experience it?
How can we make something truly impactful and different? -
Is this a real problem that real people have?
Is it the core problem?
What types of people have this problem?
In what context or environment does this problem arise?
What are some potential solutions?
Would this prototype solution solve this core problem?
Is our solution usable?
Is our solution appealing?
Does our solution feel good?
How might we undertand this (inter-)objectively?
How might we understand this (inter-)subjectively?
What are some metaphors we can use to make sense of this? -
What are our objectives?
How will we get where we are going?
What are all the steps?
How will we measure ourselves?
Who will do what, and when?
What needs to happen, in what order?
What is the purpose of our team(s)?
How will we make decisions?
What process will we follow?
How will we work with other teams?
How will we share information?
How are we incentivized?
Who is in what role?
I am currently leading marketing at Ritual, a radical new blockchain at the frontier of crypto x AI.
I was the head of community at EigenLayer and continue to support the project as an advisor.
1. Developed the core DNA of community as a discipline within EL, formulating key workstreams like sensemaking/analytics, growth, moderation/support, and events/programs.
2. Designed and led the community retro airdrop of 6M EIGEN to community wallets.
3. Co-directed and EP’d a microdocumentary film about the project’s core ethos (link above).
4. Ran point on all things community for both stakedrop launches and token unlock/TGE.
5. Built the soon-to-launch ambassador / fellowship program.
6. Contributed to brand strategy for the Eigen Foundation.
I spent 2023 leading venture research and ecosystem development at a privacy-focused builder collective.
As the bear market began I wanted to dive deep with a single organization and build things hands on with a small team. Decent DAO enabled me to leverage my experience as a strategist, organization designer, and ecosystem builder to sharpen the focus of the DAO, our projects and partnerships. Here are some of the things I worked on:
1. Developed the venture lifecycle architecture for project validation and development, including shaping key roles and budgetary gates, along with governance processes for projects.
2. Developed the core DNA of the research practice, applied that DNA to sensemake the privacy landscape through a combination of desk research and user and partner conversations.
3. Led the business / venture development and user research process for a B2B privacy venture in DeFi through preliminary validation stage with three crypto trading desks requesting a demo.
4. Supported the DAO to focus on privacy, developed the DAO’s brand strategy, including mission, vision and values.
5. Concepted a PriFi focused accelerator program that ended up getting shelved as the DAO refocused elsewhere.
I’ve been building brands and communities in web3 since 2020.
I was drawn to the frontier of the internet and have worked with about a dozen different partners in various capacities. Here are some of the things I’m most proud of:
Executive produced a series of films for Protocol Labs pre-pandemic, showcasing impactful web3 projects (click to watch: Audius, Textile, Starling).
Built a brand strategy, personas and two brand directions for Coventina Foundation, the backbone of the Holochain ecosystem.
Started and nurtured the community at tableland which has now grown to more than 3,000 members.
Named Radius and helped shape the foundations of their fellowship program.
Designed and hosted a weeklong offsite for DecentDAO during an important moment of transition in the midst of the bear market.
Built a rudimentary brand narrative for WinDAO, an NFT-based fractional real estate startup.
Wrote a zinger post about the wilds of web3 on Mirror.